
As your legal counsel, I strongly urge you to not vent your own emotion publicly too soon. In the case of Dung vs Mahoney, the defendant was convicted on the grounds of a home video shot by little Bobby Mahoney out the back window of his Mum and Dad's '84 T-bird. Hinch got a hold of it and all hell broke loose.

I'll liaise with CobraCare, the cobra rights activists, get them in on things and create a real stink for you to emerge from, vicoriously. Until then my friend, sit tight. We've got some turbulence ahead.

Yours faithfully and florally

Jennifer R. Slater, PhD, BA, LA, Grad Dip Mosaics, Certificate III (Tropical Island Tourism), Hands-on-Dentistry (Sunshine TAFE), Mt Helena Primary School junior sack-race champion 1979.